3D Virtual Tour Innovator Spotlight: Matthew Norris

Online Real Estate listings build upon a foundation that includes strong visual content. Photos are a standard for most listings, and many will feature videos of varying styles. However, a 3D Virtual Tour from Augment Space is able to house all of this existing content, in an interactive and explorable representation of the property.

“we found that it was another way to give people a glimpse into a property… a more effective way if someone wasn’t able to get to an open inspection or a property inspection.” said Matthew Norris, who operates his own media production business: Matthew Norris Visual Productions.

Matthew develops a range of visually striking and engaging content for real estate listings, primarily with Dave Stockbridge of REAL Estate Agents Group. Alongside photos and videos, Matthew and Dave produce 3D Virtual Tours for every single listing they publish.

Matthew also found the creation process to be impressively efficient. “The usability to just take the photos, put them through the Augment Space website… you can get a Tour done in about 30 or 40 minutes.”

With a development time that easily rivals video, it’s no surprise that Matthew and Dave have made 3D Virtual Tours a standard feature throughout all of their listed properties!

Visit our website gallery for a showcase of immersive 3D Virtual Tours today!